πŸ“— My Medium Articles

πŸ“— My Latest Medium Articles

β€’ πŸ“ Visualizing The Data Using Amazon QuickSight. (22.08.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ ETL(Extract, Transform, and Load), Analyze and Visualize a Data Lake Using AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, Amazon Quicksight, and Amazon S3. (20.08.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Step-by-Step Tutorial to Set Up, Build a CI/CD Deployment Pipeline, and Monitor a Kubernetes Cluster on Amazon EKS. (17.07.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ What is a Framework? What is it used for?. 28.07.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Deploying a Microservices Application with RDS MySql DB into Kubernetes Cluster With High Availability, Auto-Healing, Reliability, Auto Scaling, Monitoring, and Securing. (02.05.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Step by Step Full DevOps Project : Creating A Kubernetes Cluster With High Availability, Reliability, Auto Scaling, Auto-Healing, and Monitoring. (27.04.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Message Queue(MQ) Systems-2: Installing and Using Apache Kafka as an Event Streaming Platform. (11.03.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Message Queue(MQ) Systems-1: Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service). (08.03.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ .NET Series-2: Adding and Running The β€œUnit Tests” to the β€œBuild stage” for the .NET Application in the AWS CodePipeline. (04.03.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ .NET Series-1: Creating CI/CD Pipeline For a .NET Application By Using AWS Developer Tools. 02.03.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ MinIO-1: Installing And Using MinIO As An Object Storage. (21.02.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-18: Setting Up An Alarm By Using the Grafana Dashboard and Prometheus ConfigMap.yml. (19.02.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Subscribing and Using The AWS Shield Advanced For Higher Levels Of Protection Against Attacks Targeting The Apps. (05.02.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Argo CD and GitHub Action-1: Running Together Them To Create The CI/CD Pipeline. (21.01.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Cloud Security, The Capital One Case, and The Shared Security Model. (07.01.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Argo CD-1: Understanding, Installing, and Using Argo CD as a GitOps Continuous Delivery Tool. (01.01.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Creating an SSH Key Using β€œssh-keygen” and Connecting to a Remote Server with It. (23.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Diving into Kubernetes-3: Running a MongoDB and Nodejs App together in the Kubernetes cluster Using PV-PVC and ClusterIP-NodePort. (18.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-17: Monitoring and Creating an Alarm with Prometheus and Grafana in the Production Stage. (11.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Helm-2: Deploying an App into GKE via the Helm by Using GitHub as a Helm Chart Repository. (03.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ AWS AI Services-2: Hands-on use cases for Amazon Rekognition. (07.11.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ AWS AI Services-1: What are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AWS AI Services? (05.11.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Log Search and Analysis Using ELK Stack ( Elastic Search, Logstash, and Kibana). (18.10.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Kubernetes: Creating and Testing a Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) in Kubernetes Cluster. (11.10.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ What are an API and Amazon API Gateway? Creating and Using a REST API with Amazon API Gateway. (09.10.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Cost Optimization on AWS EC2 and Database Instances Using AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge - 2. (05.10.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Cost Optimization on AWS EC2 and Database Instances Using AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge - 1. (04.10.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ AWS Amplify-1: Web Hosting Flutter Application Using AWS Amplify. (02.10.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Database Migration-2: Migrating MySQL Database to Amazon RDS by using AWS Database Migration Services (AWS DMS). (26.09.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Database Migration-1: The Database Migration Strategies, Terms, Solutions, and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). (25.09.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Database-MongoDB (1): Creating a Database with MongoDB Atlas (22.09.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Bitbucket-2: Deploying a Web App to S3 Bucket and CloudFront By Using CI/CD Bitbucket Pipeline.(14.09.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-16: Preparing and Running The Production Jenkins File and Pipeline, Examining the output of the Jenkins Pipeline Using Rancher and our Browser. (11.09.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Docker Desktop-4: Docker Hub authorization for Docker Desktop and Pushing a image from Docker Desktop to Docker Hub.(05.09.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Azure DevOps Services-3: Troubleshooting in Errors of Azure Pipelines: ##[error]No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted. To request a free parallelism grant.. (30.08.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Git/GitHub-1: Reverting the our repository to a old commit on both GitHub and Local repository.. (26.08.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Amazon Cognito-3: CSI- Troubleshooting in Amazon Cognito’s Errors.(23.08.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Working Database-MSSQL Server (Step 5)- CSI: Troubleshooting in Microsoft SQL Server containers. (17.08.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-15: Importing Amazon EKS cluster to Rancher in the Production Stage. (16.08.2023)

πŸ“— My Popular Medium Articles

β€’ πŸ“ How to secure our resources from DDoS attacks with AWS WAF & Shield?. (02.10.2022)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Sensitive Data-2: Using AWS Parameter Store and Ansible Vault together. (20.02.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Argo CD-1: Understanding, Installing, and Using Argo CD as a GitOps Continuous Delivery Tool. (01.01.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ GitLab CI/CD - 1 : Building a Java Project using Maven and Docker within the GitLab CI pipeline.

β€’ πŸ“ GitHub Actions-1 : Creating CI/CD pipeline for Java application, and building and pushing it to Docker Hub using GitHub Actions.

β€’ πŸ“ AWS Developer Tools-1: Automatic deploying a Blog page from GitHub to Amazon S3 in CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline.

β€’ πŸ“ Creating a CI/CD Jenkins Pipeline with GitHub Webhook that runs automatically the Production Stage via Amazon ECS- Fargate, and Amazon ECR.

β€’ πŸ“ Azure DevOps Services-1: Building an application in the GitHub repository using Azure Pipelines.

β€’ πŸ“ Argo CD and GitHub Action-1: Running Together Them To Create The CI/CD Pipeline. (21.01.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Database Migration-2: Migrating MySQL Database to Amazon RDS by using AWS Database Migration Services (AWS DMS).

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Database-MongoDB (1): Creating a Database with MongoDB Atlas

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Database-MSSQL Server (1): Introduction Microsoft SQL Server and Explanation of what we will do in this series of articles.

β€’ πŸ“ Docker Desktop-3: Deploying a Java based Veterinarian Clinic Web App and its MySql DataBase to the Docker Desktop Kubernetes Cluster by using Kubernetes manifesto yaml files.

β€’ πŸ“ How to reset the initialing passwords of DevOps tools (Jenkins, Rancher, Nexus, etc.) or get the bootstrap password manually?.

β€’ πŸ“ Bitbucket-1: Creating a Bitbucket Repository and Adding our Project files to the New Repository Using VS Code.

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-1: Running a Java app that consists of 10 Microservice on a Development server

β€’ πŸ“ Amazon Cognito-1: Creating Cognito User Pools for authentication, and Connecting to an Application by using it.

β€’ πŸ“ Copying the Rancher cluster’s β€œKubeConfig” file into Jenkins server using Rancher or VScode.

β€’ πŸ“ Nexus-1: Setting up (with Terraform or Manuel) and Using Nexus (Building Java app with Maven using Nexus).

β€’ πŸ“ You should definitely try: Great convenience auto-connect to our EC2 instance using VScode.

β€’ πŸ“ Rancher-1: Creating the Rancher server with manual installation or using terraform file and Running Rancher in it.

β€’ πŸ“ AWS EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint: New feature, Great convenience, Its installation step by step.

β€’ πŸ“ Using a private GitHub repository with a β€œGitHub Personal Access Token” in the Jenkins pipeline that runs automatically the development stage via Amazon ECR and Docker container..

β€’ πŸ“ One of the easiest ways to build and run Javascript applications for testing before the production stage: Using the β€œDocker Plugin” as an agent in Jenkins..

β€’ πŸ“ Creating a Load Test using BashScript and Trying on a website protected by AWS WAF.

β€’ πŸ“ Creating an SSH Key Using β€œssh-keygen” and Connecting to a Remote Server with It. (23.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Diving into Kubernetes-3: Running a MongoDB and Nodejs App together in the Kubernetes cluster Using PV-PVC and ClusterIP-NodePort. (18.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-17: Monitoring and Creating an Alarm with Prometheus and Grafana in the Production Stage. (11.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Helm-2: Deploying an App into GKE via the Helm by Using GitHub as a Helm Chart Repository. (03.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Creating an SSH Key Using β€œssh-keygen” and Connecting to a Remote Server with It. (23.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Diving into Kubernetes-3: Running a MongoDB and Nodejs App together in the Kubernetes cluster Using PV-PVC and ClusterIP-NodePort. (18.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Helm-2: Deploying an App into GKE via the Helm by Using GitHub as a Helm Chart Repository. (03.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ MinIO-1: Installing And Using MinIO As An Object Storage. (21.02.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ .NET Series-1: Creating CI/CD Pipeline For a .NET Application By Using AWS Developer Tools. 02.03.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Message Queue(MQ) Systems-2: Installing and Using Apache Kafka as an Event Streaming Platform. (11.03.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ ETL(Extract, Transform, and Load), Analyze and Visualize a Data Lake Using AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, Amazon Quicksight, and Amazon S3. (20.08.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Step-by-Step Tutorial to Set Up, Build a CI/CD Deployment Pipeline, and Monitor a Kubernetes Cluster on Amazon EKS. (17.07.2024)

β€’ πŸ“ Deploying a Microservices Application with RDS MySql DB into Kubernetes Cluster With High Availability, Auto-Healing, Reliability, Auto Scaling, Monitoring, and Securing. (02.05.2024)

πŸ“— From "Working with Microservices Series":

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-1: Running a Java app that consists of 10 Microservice on a Development server.

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-8: Preparing the staging pipeline in Jenkins, and deploying the microservices app to the Kubernetes cluster using Rancher, Helm, Maven, Amazon ECR, and Amazon S3. Part-1.

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-10: Explanation of the Production Stage and Creating Amazon EKS cluster for the β€œProduction Environment and Pipeline” in order to deploy the Microservices App into it..

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-9: Preparing the staging pipeline in Jenkins, and deploying the microservices app to the Kubernetes cluster using Rancher, Helm, Maven, Amazon ECR, and Amazon S3. Part-2.

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-7: Creating a cluster for microservices application by using Rancher.

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-12: Setting Domain Name and TLS certificate for Production Pipeline using Route 53, Let’s Encrypt and Cert Manager.

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-14: Creating Amazon RDS MySQL database for Kubernetes cluster in the Production stage.

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-17: Monitoring and Creating an Alarm with Prometheus and Grafana in the Production Stage. (11.12.2023)

β€’ πŸ“ Working with Microservices-18: Setting Up An Alarm By Using the Grafana Dashboard and Prometheus ConfigMap.yml. (19.02.2024)

πŸ“— For my other Medium articles, click on the link below

My Other Medium Articles

πŸ“— For my Youtube Videos, click on the link below

My Youtube Videos



β€’ Hands-on experience in AWS/Azure/GCP cloud services.

β€’ Automated the build & deployments for many applications from end-to-end using CI/CD strategies with various DevOps tools and technologies.

β€’ Built and Managed Clouds via infrastructure as a Code with Cloud Formation, Azure ARM, and Terraform.

β€’ Demonstrated knowledge of how to configure Dockerfile and Docker-compose files.

β€’ Write Ansible playbooks and modules to deploy, configure, and manage servers.

β€’ Designed, implemented and supported fully automated CI/CD processes using Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Action, AWS CodePipeline, Bitbucket Pipeline, Azure DevOps Services, and integrated with Github/GitLab/Bitbucket/AWS CodeCommit/Azure Repos repositories. Performed fully automated CI/CD project for code deployment.

β€’ Worked on Containerization and Virtualization Projects with Docker and Kubernetes.

β€’ Monitor, analyze, and report performance statistics for cloud-hosted environments by using AWS Cloud Watch, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack.

β€’ Building and configuring of VM/Instances on cloud platforms, the configuration of Load Balancer for traffic control for VM/Instances.


Cloud (AWS Services):

EC2 | S3 | VPC | IAM | Application Load Balancer(ALB) with Autoscaling Group (ASG) | RDS | DynamoDB | CloudFormation | CloudWatch | CloudFront | EFS | AWS WAF&Shield | Route-53 | Certificate Manager | Amazon EKS | Amazon ECS | Amazon ECR | AWS Cognito | AWS KMS | Parameter store/Secret manager | AWS Macie | AWS Glue | Amazon Athena | Amazon QuickSight | AWS AI Tools.

Also, Azure and GCP cloud services.

DevOps :

Terraform | Docker | Kubernetes | Helm | Nexus | Rancher | Ansible | Grafana | Prometheus | ELK | Maven | Gradle | AWS DevOps Resources (Amazon EKS, ECR, ECS, Cloud Formation, AWS CodeStar, AWS Developer Tools, etc.) | Azure DevOps Service | Azure AKS | GCP GKE | Argo CD | MinIO | Apache Kafka.

CI/CD Tools :

Jenkins | Azure Pipeline | GitHub Actions | GitLab CI/CD | Bitbucket Pipeline | AWS CodePipeline

Others :

Git | GitHub | GitLab | Bitbucket | Linux | Bash script | Kanban | Jira | Scrum | Agile Methodology | Slack | HTML | Data and App Migration.


Problem-Solving | Self-Motivated | Strong Communication | Project Management | Planning | Time Management | Adaptability | Continuous Learning | Collaboration & Teamwork | Coaching Mindset | Resilience | Creativity | Leadership | Innovation | Team Management | Anallitical Thinking

My Projects My Resume